
Slide one: In this opening clip, we will have two students in frame. Using a full body shot, one is standing with a smoothie in their hand and the other is briskly walking right towards them. In the background you can see the stairs behind the students. The actor walking will not be paying attention. 

Slide two: In the second slide, the two students collide and the kid with a smoothie spills it on themselves. The one with no smoothie continues walking, and the one who spilled pauses for a moment. They try to clean themselves off and fail. They are visibly annoyed. The character on the stairs behind them witnesses this encounter.

Slide three: In this we see our student with smoothie all over them, defeated. They reach into their backpack for a piece of gum. They open the gum and throw the wrapper over their shoulder behind them, aiming for the trash. The wrapper misses and falls next to the trash can. In the background we can see someone reach the bottom of the stairs.

Slide four: The actor who had been spectating until now walked over to where the gum wrapper fell and watched the upset student walk away with a thoughtful look on their face. Using a medium long shot, we can see them pick up the wrapper and write something on it. It isn’t revealed to the viewers what is written. 

Slide five: The actor starts to fold the wrapper. A point of view shot is used. The viewers don’t know what they are making at first. Then we can then see that they made a heart out of the wrapper. 

Slide six: The actor that folded the wrapper makes their way back to the upset student, and hands the folded wrapper heart. The actor receiving it looks confused, but looks down at it in interest. The upset actor then opens the heart and then using another point of view shot, we see the phrase “give extra, get extra” is written on the inside of the wrapper.


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