Some more filming

 Today we had our second day of filming. Siena, Violet, and I were filming. We were short on time today, so we decided to only film the first scene of me cleaning up the blood and putting away the knives. I suggested we facetime Dara, who wasn't available to film with us. This was she could still offer advice without being there. 

The first thing I did was make the blood. I am using dish soap and red food dye. I mixed about a quarter cup of dish soap with the 2 drops of red food dye and it looked pretty good! I poured it on the floor and we started to film. I got on my hands and knees and with a rag started to clean it up. Violet and Siena were filming with an over the shoulder shot, so I tried to not move my head too much to avoid getting it in the screen. Once or twice it did, but we will just cut that out later. After filming this part, I wanted to film the putting away knives scene. I made sure to be very careful when handling the knives as to avoid any possible accidents. This scene was quick and easy to film. I just put the knives in their designated location, while they filmed me doing so. It only took one try!

 Once we were done filming, we watched through the videos. Everything looked great. I can't wait to start editing these scenes.


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