About My Commercial Group

 My groupmates are Maria Koehl and Siena Pancera. We met each other through school and soccer. I could immediately see I wanted to work with them. In being friends, we can see that we work well together. We decided to work together on this because we can trust that everyone will get their part of the project done. Our personalities do not clash. We all work together well and avoid arguing. We also all have different skills that will help the group. Maria is a very talented artist. She can help with the drawing the storyboard. People who are good at drawing may have a different eye than the rest of us.  Having someone with that skill set will benefit our group and commercial immensely. Siena and I prefer editing. I have always been some what into editing. However, I actually prefer filming. Siena prefers to edit. She has done projects before with editing, and is good at it. We will be very productive group. Through good planning and effort, our group will be successful. I think that with this group we will have a very good commercial. 


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