The Final Edits

 Today we finished up our editing. This editing took longer than last time because we were editing a bigger chunk of the music video. The video was still around 25 seconds over. I started to cut out some of the part where we are playing games with friends. My group mates and I thought this was the best part to cut out because we could use less of it and still get the effect. We made sure to cut from different parts of this scene so we would not one big specific part. After cutting some out we were only 15 seconds over. The next part we decided to edit was the part where I fall over and hit my head. We cut out a few seconds of the part where I was walking to the tripping point. This made this part run smoother. After watching it through we decided to zoom in on my face further when I was on the ground. This made it easier to tell that I was asleep. We then added our music. This was the easiest part of the whole editing process. It took a minute or two to download onto the video. Once we did this. we watched the video through. It was in the correct time frame and it ran smoothly. I made sure to save the video so none of the work would be lost. We had lots of fun editing this video. 


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