Group Blog: Meet our group!

The final task has begun! My first big decision was getting into a group to do the assignment. I knew I wanted to work with Siena, who I have worked with in my past projects. Siena is very dependable when It comes to school work. I loved working with her in the other projects we had, so she was a no brainer for my group. We both enjoy editing and filming and we work well together in that area. She sees things that I might miss, and vice versa. I am more editing oriented, and Siena film. It works out perfectly. When we were deciding on who else we wanted to work with, Violet and Dara came to mind for the both of us. Dara has a very artsy and creative mind. This can help the group for things like props or costumes. Violet and Dara also both like to act. They not only enjoy it, but they are also talented at it. They also both enjoy filming and editing, which is always a plus! Violet and Dara are very strong students. I knew I could count on them for assignments that we have. All of these different factors led to the choosing of my group. When all our different strengths are brought to the table, we will have a strong and dependable group. I can't wait to start the final task with these girls.


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