Genre Research: The 355

  The movie The 355 (2022) is a thriller/ action movie. This means it has conventions common for both of those genres. However, I will be focusing on the thriller genre. 

Camera Angles, Movement, and shots:

This movie made use of many dutch angles, tilting the camera for a purpose. It added a lot of tension to the movie, as well as creating suspense. This movie also used many over the shoulder shots. This type of shot was used to show reflections. It was also used to sort of differentiate between "good" and "bad" characters, by having both in the same shot, but from different angles. 


This movie was a bit of a spy movie, so the costumes were not exactly identical to ones we would use in our scene. The costumes consisted of a variety of dresses, suits, armor, street clothes, pajamas, etc. 


A lot of this movie was set in low lighting, which is common in thriller genre. It added suspense, and made it "thrilling". Also, this movie included some very cheerful lighting in not cheerful moments, which is an interesting contradiction. 


The main use of makeup in this movie was to show blood, or any type of injury. This is again, typical of thriller movies, and makes sense to use in this genre. 


This movie used mainly high-tech weapons as props, but also money, suitcases, computers, glasses, paper and pens, and other common objects. 


Part of the plot of this movie is that the main characters come from around the world, however in almost every setting, it was a large city with a bustling crowd. 


This movie included editing factors such as flash backs, sometimes portrayed in a dream-like way. Also, during scenes where there is a chase or fighting, there are many fast cuts. Additionally, there is one scene in particular where a character is shown standing by a train station, then after the train passes, she is no longer there. This is actually a very common convention in thriller movies, to have a character seemingly disappear into thin air. 


The movie is recent, and therefor included a lot of recent and popular music from artists such as Rihanna, Kanye West, JAY-Z, etc. As for diegetic sounds, there was a combination of things such as explosions, heavy breathing, footsteps, and more. For dialogue, there was also a variety of yelling and whispering and everything in between. 

Appealing Elements:

This movie had its fair share of elements common in the thriller genre. Ones that appeal to our group's final task include the variety of camera angles and movements, the lighting, as it is easy to achieve low lighting, the setting, because we have group members that live in busy parts of cities, and the editing, because it is mostly straightforward and achievable. 

Unappealing Elements: 

The costumes from this movie would not be ideal for our scene, as we do not have access to a grand wardrobe that would provide many clothes needed for movies like this. The makeup is also no ideal because creating fake blood or wounds is not our group's specialty. Also, the props from this movie are not very appealing, because we do not have props such as high-tech weapons, or large amounts of money. Also the sound factor could be a setback, as we obviously cannot include diegetic sounds such as explosions, and other small sounds are hard to be perceived without a very good microphone. 


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