Genre Research: Vivarium

 The movie Vivarium (2019) is a thriller/mystery movie. This means it has conventions common for both of those genres. However, I will be focusing on the thriller genre. 

Camera Angles, Movement, and shots:

This film showed many gods' view angles in order to show the strange eeriness of the settings the characters were trapped in. This makes the audience also feel trapped and scared for the characters. The director also made use of close up shots. the focus of the characters' emotions in these shots lead the reader in the direction that there may be something wrong.


This movie was about two normal couples that got into a weird reality so they are dressed in normal everyday clothes however the people already in that reality always wear suits, even the children. 


The director said he purposely made the lighting look artificial to achieve the sense of a sickening institutional feeling.


The makeup used in this movie was to portray dirt on a characters face, make them look sickly, or in a different characters case making them look weirdly perfect.


There wasn't many props in this movie besides a shovel and some may consider the array of cookie cutter houses a prop since they were used to freak out the characters and the audience.


Part of the plot of this movie is that the main characters come from around the world, however in almost every setting, it was a large city with a bustling crowd. 


This movie included editing factors such as jump cuts. for example one scene you can see the characters holding the baby the received then the next scene is a black screen the. it jumps to an ariel shot of the roofs of all the houses with the words 'HELP' on theirs. This scares the audience by the quickness of the scenes.


Throughout the film, the movie is very quiet. You can only hear diegetic sounds most of the time however, when something out of the ordinary happens, a mysterious non diegetic sound appears, building the tension in the atmosphere. 

Appealing Elements:

This movie had its fair share of elements common in the thriller genre. Ones that appeal to our group's final task include the variety of camera angles and movements, The costumes are very easy to achieve since it is normal day clothes along with the makeup, the sound and editing, because it is mostly straightforward and achievable. 

Unappealing Elements: 

The setting for this film would be very hard to create. It takes place in a dystopian alternate universe where all the houses are the same, there are no other characters other than them, the clouds are all perfect. Not only would this be hard to achieve but it doesn't appeal to our story line.


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