More Filming!

 Today we filmed! I had to do the acting since Violet wasn’t available to do so. We had to re film the parts she was in from our last filming day. So Siena was going to be filming us. I was really nervous to film, because I have no experience doing so. We decided to film the sidewalk conversation scene, because we didn’t have enough time to do more. I am playing Naomi. When we first started filming, it took me a couple tries to get used to it. I kept laughing and we had to keep re filming it. My biggest struggle was trying to portray emotions onto my face. I tried my best and I think it turned out pretty well. When we were filming, the wind was very loud. Sometimes we had to pause filming to wait for the big gusts of wind to pass. I made sure to talk extra loud so my voice wouldn't be blocked out by the sound. Once we were done filming, we watched through the clips. I thought only one of them needed to be re filmed. The next part we are going to film is the table scene. I have to make sure to wear the same clothes as today. Filming overall went smoothly. I am excited to film more.


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