
Slide 1: In this scene Naomi is going to be scrubbing off the blood from the floor and her hands, a over the shoulder shot will be used during this. The "Berry Studios" title will be displayed during this scene.

Slide 2: Naomi is going to be putting back knives and the title "Four Girls Pictures" will be displayed. Naomi will walk off screen.

Slide 3: Naomi sits down on a couch, and then from a point of view shot, she opens up Instagram. The title of the actors will play on screen.

Slide 4: Naomi will begin to scroll through her following list on Instagram and during this the title "Unfriended" will play on screen. 

Slide 5: Naomi smiles to herself, we see this through a close up, and she clicks on a girls profile from her following list. The title "Music by" will play during this scene.

Slide 6: We see through an over the shoulder shot that Naomi DM's the girl and asks her if she would like to hang out. The title "Edited by Siena Pancera" plays on screen.

Slide 7: The phone will show the girls reply with "Sure!" and a "Produced by Parker Merrick" title will be on screen.

Slide 8: The camera tilts from Naomi's phone to her face and she's smirking to herself. The title "Story by Dara Sedaka and Violet Roberts" is on screen.

Slide 9: This scene is going to be an establishing shot of the city, with the title "Written by Dara Sedaka'' on screen.

Slide 10: With a full shot, Naomi and Skylar (the girl from Instagram) will be sitting at a table talking to each other. Their voices will not be audible yet.

Slide 11: An over the shoulder shot will show Skylar sitting at the table saying "Thank you so much! I had so much fun!"

Slide 12: An over the shoulder shot will show Naomi sitting at the table saying "Of course, it was great catching up." Naomi begins to get up to leave the table. 

Slide 13: A shot from in front of the two actors is following them as Skylar says, "You know, I feel bad that we never really spoke in high school."

Slide 14: A tracking shot from the side follows them as Naomi says, "Oh no its fine really." Skylar with an ashamed look on he face says "Yeah but it's not, (sigh) me and my friends treated you horribly. And now Ava has gone missing, I guess it’s kind of like karma."

Slide 15: The camera angle returns to a shot from in front of them. The girls walk starts slowing down and Naomi says with a sorrowful look on her face "I've been meaning to bring that up, I'm sorry. I figured it must've hit close to home knowing how close you two were. Have you heard anything from her family?"

Slide 16: The girls approach the house as Skylar says "Not more than anyone else. They’re all in shambles you know." Naomi opens the door for Skylar as she says "Yeah, figures."

Slide 17: The screen goes dark and ominous music plays.

Slide 18: In this scene we can see Naomi in the kitchen doing various things and Skylar is on the couch. There is a news channel playing in the background on the TV.

Slide 19: News music begins to play and the news takes up the screen. "Ava Smith found dead. Brutally stabbed 13 times after being reported missing two days prior."

Slide 20: When Naomi hears this, she begins to walk into the kitchen, shown by a tracking shot. The news continues with "No leads on the murderer yet. Stay tuned for an updated police report."

Slide 22: The news music fades out and the camera returns to the two actors. Naomi is behind the couch from where she was watching, and she looks suspicious.

Slide 23: Skylar with a medium close up says, "God I can’t believe someone would do that. I don't understand why." She looks visibly upset.

Slide 24: The camera angle returns to a two shot of the girls, Naomi still behind Skylar who's still on the couch. Skylar says, "She was a nice girl." Right after she says that, Naomi rolls her eyes in disagreement. 

Slide 25: Naomi walks away from the couch and back towards the kitchen. She laughs to herself. We can see Naomi grab something but we can't tell what it is.

Slide 26: The camera goes back to Skylar who's looking very upset. We can hear Naomi start to say, "You never know.."

Slide 27: The camera goes to a medium close up on Naomi finishing saying "who you can trust these days."

Slide 28: The camera pans down to Naomi's hand, which in it has a knife. She's twirling it around her fingers.

Slide 29: The camera begins to zoom in on the knife, and she stops twirling it and keeps it still.

Slide 30: The screen goes black very quickly and ominous music begins to play. The title "Directed By Siena Merrick" plays on screen.


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