Planning Details
Location Because our scenes take place in different settings, we have two main filming locations. Our first one will be Dara's house. We will film the first and last few scenes in this setting, varying between different rooms and areas of her home. The second location will be a downtown area of the city we live in. This will be for the scenes that take place in around the middle of our script. Where our two main characters meet up. This location is flexible and will allow us to achieve multiple angles and shots. Participants The only participants of this production will consist of our current group members. Dara Sedaka, Parker Merrick, Violet Roberts and Siena Pancera. We will all take part in different jobs to get it all done. Health We are taking different precautions to ensure everyones safety throughout filming. We all are taking covid tests prior to filming. As well as having adult supervision when handling the knives, and when going downtown. This way we will establish a saf...